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Task - Case Study Example A portion of the types of savagery happen because of the impact of medications which may drive the specialist t...

Friday, August 21, 2020

Ruthless Intentions :: essays research papers

David PagelC.W. first hourCorrectionsFiction Story Ruthless IntentionsWall Street, June 18, 1999. A man in dim shades and a costly smooth Armani suit remains on a miserable corner pausing. A brilliant Benz with dark tinted windows stops at the check. Another man wearing comparable clothing tranquilly ventures out of the rearward sitting arrangement of the vehicle and shots the man on the check over and again. He than similarly as serenely ventures once again into the vehicle and the brilliant Benz dashes away in one quick motion.Chicago, June 19, 1999. Mr. Green sits on a goliath high rise in his wonderful official office. He is smoking a Cuban stogie in his large cowhide seat with brilliant trim. A similar man who shot the man on the road strolls in and takes a seat."The work is done," said the man in an intense voice. Mr. Green doesn't respond. He fills his mouth with smoke, inclines forward, blows it into the man's face and than gradually reclines and says, "Then where is the briefcase?""He didn't have it with him," said the man in a temperamental voice.""You fool!" shouted Mr. Green."I couldn't resist, he didn't have the briefcase!" countered the man.Mr. Green answers, "Understand that on the off chance that you don't have the folder case in forty-eight hours you are not accepting fifteen percent of the cash and I am taking 100 percent of your life."Wall Street, June 17, 1999. A man in dull shades and a costly Armani suit strolls down the road. In his correct hand there is a folder case. His fingers are grasped firmly around the handle.In the shadows lies a poor homeless person. The poor person approaches the man with the attaché for some extra change. The man with the attaché, softly answers, "Get a job."The bum hears this and answers, "What did you say?""Nothing!" says the man with the folder case. The poor person than takes out a blade and holds it to the man's throat. The poor person snatches the satchel and brings off down the road. The man dashes after him however stumbles on a pooch that is being strolled by his owner.Chicago, June 21, 1999. By and by Mr. Green sits in his office smoking a stogie. He investigated his precious stone bound Rolex watch. In strolls the other man who shot he man in the city. He sits down with a dull look all over.

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